Stage4 for USB

Stage4 for USB

Stage4 for USB / HD Gentoo Linux,LXDE, Gnome 3
Stage4 for USB / HD Gentoo Linux,LXDE, Gnome 3 | 1.9 GB

Stage4 for USB

What is there?
1. The image is collected on the basis of Gentoo Linux. In order to modify - just download a portage tree emerge-sync
2. Operating Environment: Openbox (Compiz-Fusion) / LXDE (git), lxlauncher, LXDM, file manager Pcmanfm. Layout Alt + Shift, you can change the file / etc / xdg / lxsession / LXDE / autostart
3. A set of applications: Deadbeef (audio), Gnome-mplayer (last), Gimp, ePdfView, Skype, Transmission (torrent), Pidgin, Fox Calculator, LibreOffice-bin, Task Manager, Brasero (CD / DVD), Lxterminal, Leafpad (тектовый editor), Parcellite (clipboard), File-roller (Archive Manager, Gnome), standard image viewer
4. Linux kernel 3.0.0
5. Support for nfs-client v3, sshfs, ftpfs, smbfs / cifs, pcmanfm (smb, ftp) automounting removable media - to display in pcmanfm
6. Configured and installed splash. Operability while depending on the equipment. Xorg-1.10.3, video drivers: nouveau (kms), radeon (ati kms), intel (kms), cirrus logic, virtualbox. Compiz-Fusion
7. Browser Chromium, Plugins: adobe-flash, Gecko-mediaplayer, Sun-Jre etc.
8. Full support for web-cameras. guvcview / Cheese
9. Linuxdcpp 1.1.0

For Gnome3 (only amd64):
1. LibreOffice => Abiword + Gnumeric
2. Cheese
3. Gnome3-light (Gnome2 missing!)
4. Compiz no
Stage4 for USB ,Let me just note that for this stage of the installation on your computer, you can use the official leadership of Gentoo Linux Handbook. With the exception will be available once a full working system with a working desktop environment. And only then you can safely experiment with it without fear of collecting all from scratch.
Installation requires a partition on the media from 3,0 Gb

Stage4 for USB

Stage4 for USB

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