Truncad 3DGenerator

Truncad 3DGenerator
Truncad 3DGenerator v8.0.46
Truncad 3DGenerator v8.0.46 | 144 Mb

Truncad 3DGenerator
3DGENERATOR is a very fast and easy to use software for designing, calculating and fabricating furniture. In future you can automate steps in your working process to a high degree and take advantage of the efficiency in workflow.

3DGENERATOR with Scribblemodule

Prior to the update to 3DGENERATOR version 5 we have developed a new module: scribble. With this module you can design a cabinet the way you are used to right now. You simply scribble with the mouse on the display. Dividers and frontparts are placed and moved with the mouse. After you finished the scribble the information is exported to 3DGENERATOR and displayed in 3D. After importing the scribble to 3DGENERATOR all functions like partlist and CNC-export can be used directly.

Truncad 3DGenerator

Truncad 3DGenerator

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