Cebas psd-manager

Cebas psd-manager

Cebas psd-manager 3.0 (x86/x64)

Cebas psd-manager 3.0 (x86/x64) | 2.5 MB & 3.7 MB
Cebas psd-manager
psd-manager is very easy to select individual objects and adjust the colors in Photoshop. Ability to create multiple color options after rendering, where each new image does not need to render the scene again and again.

Cebas psd-manager Features
- Export of 8, 16 and 32 bits (HDR) per channel PSD files
- Produces 100% compatible PSD files (Adobe® Photoshop® file format)
- Output of rendered image as a layer with transparency or layer mask
- Outputs all 3ds Max Render Elements as layers into one single psd file
- Extremely customizable render element layers (order, blending modes,…)
- Easy setup through built-in preset system and automatic layer sorting
- Optimized render element presets for finalRender, V-Ray an mental ray
- Output of objects as separate layers and channels
- Output of groups of objects as separate layers and channels (using Object IDs)
- Output of materials as separate layers and channels (using Material Effects IDs)
- Output of 3ds max scene layers as separate layers and channels
- Output G-Buffer channels (Material ID, Object ID, Node ID, Normal, Non-Clamped Color)

Cebas psd-manager

Cebas psd-manager

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