Circus Ponies NoteBook

Circus Ponies NoteBook
Circus Ponies NoteBook v3.0.12
Circus Ponies NoteBook v3.0.12
Mac OS X | 21MB

Circus Ponies NoteBook

Circus Ponies NoteBook is the revolutionary award-winning application that helps Mac users manage all those bits of information that lack a good home: web clippings, notes, even the e-mails, diagrams and documents of a project. Create Notebooks, with sections and subsections, to hold it all. Add text, drag in files, clip web pages and other content. Annotate your information with diagrams and sketches, highlighting and keywords, even voice recordings. Find anything instantly with NoteBook's patented Multidex. Then convert it all to PDF, or publish directly to your MobileMe account or FTP server. Access your Notebooks on the go with the iPad version of NoteBook.

Circus Ponies NoteBook
What's New in Version 3.0.12:

* Fixed a Mac OS X 10.7 Lion crasher related to Notebook windows.
* Fixed a Mac OS X 10.7 Lion crasher with animated cells.
* Fixed a serious bug with undoing after changing a Notebook's font. \
* Fixed a bug where NoteBook would change the file modification date even if you just opened a Notebook.
* Fixed a bug in link tags in NBML.
* Fixed a bug where it wasn't possible to paste a shape with a text label into an outline item.
* Fixed a bug with printing shapes.

Circus Ponies NoteBook

Circus Ponies NoteBook

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